TKG Consulting Engineers Inc. offers a wide range of Site/Civil engineering and environmental services to meet your land development needs. Our team approach to projects assures our civil engineering expertise comes in play in all our services, resulting in important details being considered during various phases of the project. Our site development scope routinely includes supplementary design of off-site improvements within the public right-of-way. TKG’s projects often include design of new private streets, public street widening and/or realignment, public ADA access improvements, and related off-site stormwater treatment design.
Our Civil Engineering & Land Development services include the following:
- Site Layout, Planning and Concept Development
- Single & Multi-Family Residential Communities Development
- Commercial/Industrial/Office Site Plans
- Street, Highway, & Intersection Design
- Public Improvement Plans
- Storm Water Management and Design
- Flood Plain/Drainage Studies
- Utility Design
- Erosion & Sediment Control Design
- Rough and precise Grading Plans
- On-Site water, Sanitary Sewer System Design
- Site Lighting Design
- Engineering construction Costs Estimates
- Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analysis and Design
- Contract Specifications and bid documents
- Training programs